Human Nutrition

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Human nutrition is naturally interdisciplinary, intersecting with multiple disciplines such as biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, psychology, community and public health, plus so much more. The HESC MS Concentration in Human Nutrition focuses on greater depth in the fundamentals of nutritional biochemistry and metabolism, and developing skills in interpreting and critiquing nutrition research and claims. For those seeking to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), this program does not provide any supervised practice experience.

NUTR 51103: Advanced Nutrition I

NUTR 52303: Advanced Nutrition II

NUTR 52203 Nutrition During the Life Cycle

FDSC 64403 Metabolism of Xenobiotics

Other courses are available to fill these requirements. An advisor will recommend the best courses to meet your professional goals and degree requirements.

Graduate-level Statistics (3 hours required): 

ESRM 53903: Statistics in Education & Health Professions

Research Methods (3 hours required):

HESC 54603/AGED 54603 Research Methodology in Social Sciences

Online courses are offered periodically for flexibility in degree completion.

Thesis Track:

  • 30 hours total
  • 12 hours core courses
  • 3 hours statistics
  • 3 hours research methods
  • 6 hours elective
  • 6 hours thesis & defense to pass program

Non-Thesis Track:

  • 30 hours
  • 12 hours core classes
  • 3 hours statistics
  • 3 hours research methods
  • 12 hours elective
  • Oral and written exam to pass program

Program Contact:

Mallori Roberts
Instructor, NUTR

Amanda Terrell, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator

Program at a Glance

On campus

2-3 year program completion, depending on student pace

GRE optional

Students can enroll in fall or spring

A cumulative GPA of 2.85 or higher for graduation

Non-thesis option is not available to students on assistantship

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