Studying the human environment is a great way to spend your college career. Improving the human environment is a great way to make a living.

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Student designer and model doing final walk at the 2018 Enclothe Fashion Show.

Undergraduate Programs

The School of Human Environmental Sciences offers six undergraduate majors, all designed to equip students with the knowledge and skill sets to prepare them for the vast career opportunities available in the human science industries.

View Undergraduate Majors

Student in observation room in the Jean Tyson Child Development Center.

Master's Program

The School of Human Environmental Sciences houses the Master of Science in Human Environmental Sciences. This program, available for completion on campus and at a distance, offers four concentrations for students to continue their education in the field of their interest.

View Program Info

PhD students in lab coats

PhD program

Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences (AFLS) at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville offers a PhD in AFLS with a concentration in Human Nutrition.

PhD Program

Override Requests

Students may request overrides by completing the Override Request form. The form requires the course instructor's and area coodinator's signatures and should be submitted to once completed.

Override Request     


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